Localization Editor is most use to help you manage iOS app localizations by allowing you to edit all the translations side by side, highlighting missing translations.
• Edit all languages files at a time
• All the translations are sorted by the key
• You can also see missing translations in any language.
• You can add new key easily.
• Easy to use.
[How to Use]
1. Start the Localization Editor
2. Choose File | Open folder with localization files and point it to the folder where your localization files are stored.
3. The tool finds all the Localizable.strings, detects their language and displays your strings side by side as shown on the screenshot above. You can point it to the root of your project but it will take longer to process.
[Contact Information]
If you have any question, please contact on contactusiosapp@gmail.com
Privacy Policy - https://github.com/SmartiOSDev/Localization-Editor/blob/main/PrivacyPolicy.md